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All About This Link

This link shows a fifth grade band, (symphonic band). It is a practice for a concert. If this doesn't sound good enough for you then don't complain because it's all part of the practicing and getting better.


While doing this project I realized that it doesn't have lot's of information, i'm sorry for the delay, but the main point is that band is for everyone. You can join today, and once you practice you will get better and better. In grade school there is begging band, symphonic band, wind ensemble, and much more! I'm currently in symphonic playing trumpet but this is not about me but, "what makes a band a band?" So, all in one sentence, the answer to my driving question, "what makes a band a band," is all the unique people and instruments. Anyone can play an instrument. If you have a disability don't let that back you down. You can do anything you want, or what you desire. Not only does this go out to disabled kids but everyone. 


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